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Friday 31 March 2017

How To Talk And Make People Listen To You.

Do you have a presentation or an upcoming debate? Maybe you're a salesman and you are not selling your products the way you want. You go for an interview and they seem interested in you but the pay is lower than your expectations and you are looking for a way to demand more pay. Here are a few tips to help you have the desired effect on people:

* It is more effective to present both sides of an issue.
* When the pro's and con's of an issue are being discussed, it is better to present the communicators' favoured view point last.
* Listeners remember the beginning and end of a presentation more effectively than the middle.
* Listeners remember the end better than the beginning, particularly when they are unfamiliar with the argument.
* Conclusions should be explicitly stated rather than left for the audience to decide.
* Repetition of a message leads to learning and acceptance.
* A message that first arouses a need and then provides information to satisfy it is remembered best. However, when a need-arousal message is threatening, the listener has a tendency to reject it.
* When two messages must be delivered, one of which is desirable to the audience and the other undesirable, the most desirable should come first.
* A message that asks for the greatest amount of opinion change is likely to produce the most change. Here, as in other aspects of life, aspiration level is related to success.
* Learning and acceptance are improved if stress is placed on similarities of position rather than differences.
* Agreement is facilitated when the desirability of agreement is stressed.
* Agreement on controversial issues is improved if they are tied to issues on which agreement can easily be reached.
    People who place others on the defensive do not succeed in convincing them. Those who bring friendliness and sympathy to the table, request advice from the opponent and appeal to his higher motives for fairness, worth and excellence have a better chance of changing the opponent to their way of thinking. Opinions are in many ways like personal possessions. People react violently to being assorted and robbed, but will often be responsive to those whose needs are made clear and whose claims are rational.
The content of a message is shaped by the channel through which it is delivered.
A message that is delivered with skill and understanding can change the view point of even the most hardened influence-resister.
The art of convincing others consists of saying and doing those things that cause others to want to do what you want them to do.
This information can be used by anyone. Teachers, Parents, Businesses owners, Students preparing to make a presentation or debate etc. Leave a comment below if you've got something to add.

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